Uganda today is a very peaceful country where the rule of law is upheld and nowhere are the chaos of the past enacted. Her economy is capitalist and growing at unprecedented rates because foreign investment is encouraged and investors invited. Consequently, the manufacturing sector which had ground during Amin’s time is running satisfactorily. Agriculture which is the backbone of the country given that 80% of the population is engaged in it is sustainable but it’s mostly subsistence and needs to be modernized and commercialized which government has tried to do through the Plan for the Modernisation of Agriculture (PMA) and National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS). However, these programmes have met harsh criticism as failures. Uganda grows coffee, tobacco, tea, maize, rice and groundnuts for sale to other countries. Traditional foods are grown in addition to these.
Where majority of the population lives on less than 1$ a day, poverty is a serious concern and several programmes have been set up by government to alleviate poverty and ensure that atleast most Ugandans meet their basic needs. Access to primary education for all children of school- going age is ensured through Universal Primary Education Programme which has registered milestones in enrollment with an increase from 2.5 million children when it started to 8 million today. Uganda like every other developing country in the world is faced with a myriad of social problems. However, as a signatory to the MDG’s it has striven to achieve them. Hopefully, with good governance the Millennium Development goals are tenable but with the current state of affairs, not in 2015 the stipulated timeframe.
Although Uganda is still dependent on foreign aid, tourism is a sector which has the potential of attracting a lot of much needed foreign currency to the country for it has enough attractions to draw in many visitors each year.